Category: Animals
Published on: February 9th, 2024
Episode six of Secret Life of the Safari Park is the last one in the first season. The whole season has been a fascinating view of life at the safari and the animals who call it home. This final episode focuses on Shaka the rhino, Fang the baboon, Bella the red river hog and M’Chumba the wildebeest.
The white rhino weighs in at nearly four tonnes and is believed to be the second largest living land mammal. When the crash's male rhino, Shaka, has to step up to the plate and deliver on his responsibilities to the breeding programme here at Knowsley, he also has to remind the females that he’s good breeding stock. But when you have a lot of weight to throw around, things can get out of hand quickly. Will the animal team have to intervene?
Find out more about our white rhino here.

Red River Hog, Bella
Red river hog, Bella, has been alone for a few weeks after her long-term partner Ronnie passed away and her health has declined quickly now she’s on her own. To help her health and general well-being, we brought young Kya in from our close neighbour, Chester Zoo. Not all stories in the park end happily though and sometimes have to say goodbye to even our most well-loved animals.
Find out more about our Red River Hog here.
The parks Wildebeest have a reputation. They’re well known for misbehaving and chasing the other animals. This time, however, it’s not their section that’s the problem, it’s M’Chumba’s determination to get out and explore the rest of the park for herself. A new addition to the park’s common eland herd however might just be the cure to her wanderlust.
Find out more about our Wildebeest here.

Baboon life is hard. Really, really hard and the fight for your position in the troop hierarchy can be a matter of life and death. Fang has developed the fine skill of keeping everyone around him happy and himself safe. He will always have to watch his back, but for now, does he have the political skill needed to keep himself on everyone’s good side?
Find out more about our baboons here.
If you have missed any of the amazing stories featured in season one of Secret Life of the Safari Park, then you can catch up with the whole series on Channel 4 streaming.
For over 50 years, Knowsley Safari has been welcoming visitors to explore and learn about some of the world's most amazing animals. Come and visit the park for an amazing family day out and meet our amazing animals.