Category: Animals
Published on: January 5th, 2024
Cancel your Thursday evening plans because Secret Life of the Safari Park, featuring some of our most fascinating animals (and keepers) hits TV screens. In the first episode, we followed the lives of our male lions, Sam and Ted; No Horns the Congo buffalo and her calf Crumpet; Cosmo the fallow deer and Kevin the baboon.
Male lions Sam & Ted
In this first episode, we’re introduced to our male lions, Sam and his older uncle, Ted. With some of the female lions coming into season, the pride dynamics change, and their keepers have to keep their wits about them to protect the hierarchy of the pride.
Find out more about our African lions here.

No Horns & Crumpet
A new arrival is always really exciting, so No Horns the Congo buffalo giving birth to her calf Crumpet was a real moment for us all. When you visit Knowsley Safari yourself, you will see many of our animals sharing their space – something that is great for the animals and visitors, but it can be a problem when you’re trying to give birth to your calf and the rhinos want to ‘help’.
Find out more about our Congo buffalo here.
Cosmo the fallow deer
Cosmo the fallow deer was determined to let his personality shine – even if he did get it across in the most peculiar of ways. Finding himself in a sticky situation, it was a little tricky for the keepers to get hold of him initially, but they soon managed to get him sorted pretty quickly.

Kevin and the baboons
Cosmo the fallow deer was determined to let his personality shine – even if he did get it across in the most peculiar of ways. Finding himself in a sticky situation, it was a little tricky for the keepers to get hold of him initially, but they soon managed to get him sorted pretty quickly.
There are lots of amazing stories to come in the weeks ahead so be sure to keep Thursdays at 8pm free, or find it on demand via Channel 4 streaming.