Category: Conservation
Published on: August 22nd, 2023
Help us find bugs, birds and more
Spotted on Site Bioblitz
Not just a home for exotic animals from around the world, we also manage our site carefully to support a diverse range of native species and habitats which can be found right on our doorstep. So we are excited to invite you to help record and measure the native species here at Knowsley Safari by taking part in ‘SOS (Spotted on Site) BioBlitz’, a nationwide campaign to measure biodiversity by recording native wildlife.
How to join in?
Download the INaturalist app here
Visit us between April 28th - May 1st
Take pictures of the native wildlife you spot and upload them
Need help identifying them? Download the Seek app here
Conservation Crafts
This weekend alongside the Spotted On Site event, our team will be here to show how your little ones how we can help our native species all through crafts and fun monitoring activities. Head to the Tiger Trail from Friday to Monday between 12 am - 3 pm to build Bug Hotels, Bird Feeders, Butterfly Feeders and play a game of Bioblitz bingo.