Wild Camel Protection Foundation
Wild camels are Critically Endangered, one of the most at-risk land mammals in the world - they are completely genetically distinct from the camels you can see at Knowsley Safari.
Knowsley Safari have signed a five-year agreement with The Wild Camel Protection Foundation to help conserve this amazing species.
Bactrian camels are critically endangered, with population estimates of around 1000 individuals left, spread between China and Mongolia. This makes the work that Knowsley Safari are doing with WCPF at the breeding centres incredibly important.
We work on the ground in the Gobi Desert, supporting the management of the only captive population of wild camels in the world. Work ranges from tagging and health-checking calves to fixing fences and researching camel behaviour. Careful management of a captive population leads to healthy, sustainable and genetically diverse animals who may be suitable for future conservation action, for example release.
Name: Wild Camel
Latin name: Camelus ferus
Location: Mongolia, China
Population: < 1000
Status: Critically Endangered
Threats: habitat loss, mining, hunting, hybridisation domestic camels